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! YOU can SAVE the World! YES YOU CAN!

\Amen - Loving HU Most High bring many people to this web page - Amen\
Amen - YU Most High, by your Power, your Spirit, your Holy Flame, and your Holy Name - please bless this page and help us to live in your perfect peace as we dwell upon your most Holy Name - Amen

Yeshua Hu Adoni!

(to be/i am)



\--The Sacred Syllable--\
-The Name of God-

GOD Most High is my STRENGTH
GOD Most High is the STRENGTH of my FAITH!
GOD Most High is the STRENGTH of my PRAYERS!
GOD Most High is the STRENGTH of my LOVE!
GOD Most High is the STRENGTH of my BAPTISM!
GOD Most High is the STRENGTH of my SALVATION!
GOD Most High is the STRENGTH of my CHURCH!

In the Holy Name of Jesus, AMEN!

Recently, I have been wondering about the Name of God. I have chatted with a number of people about this. It seems, no two people agree on His Name. So I decided to look into it.

Of the choices out there, we have:

From Strong's Hebrew Dictionary:
03050 Yahh {yaw} contraction for 03068, and meaning the same ; n pr dei See: TWOT - 484b
AV - LORD 48, JAH 1; 49 1) Jah (Jahveh in the shortened form) 1a) the proper name of the one true God
From Webster's Dictionary:
Jeˇhoˇvah Pronunciation: ji-'hO-v& Function: noun Etymology: New Latin, reading (as YehOwAh) of Hebrew yhwh Yahweh with the vowel points of 'adhOnAy my lord Date: 1530

At around 1530, the Bible was being translated into English. The transcripts the linguists used showed YHVH with the vowel points of the word ADONAI. The Jews put the vowel points for ADONAI over YHVH to remind them to say and use ADONAI where ever YHVH was printed in the manuscripts

The Jews believe saying YHVH would be using the name of YHVH in vain! A SIN. The Jews did not add the vowel points of ADONAI to YHVH for it to be pronounced that way, but to avoid sinning against the name of the Lord.

The word "Jehovah", according to linguistic experts does not come close to the true pronunciation of the name YHVH. "Jehovah" is an a honest attempt to find the right sound for God's name, but it is not correct.

However, upon examination of Indo-Euopean roots, "Jehovah" is nearly a direct phonetic copy of "(J)Ahu(v)ra" (see table below) which means "Bestower of Life" - the Zoroastrian Avesta name for God - Ahura Mazda.

Around the world: **Time, distance, and dialects changed the name. Idolatry changed and perverted the worship.

I believe the reason for this is God gave NOAH 120 years to preach (Genesis 6:3) to the world to repent or the Lord would flood the world and destroy it. During that time, NOAH (and/or people sent by him) went around the world preaching this message - which was ignored. That is why the name of the Lord is found (distorted by time and dialects) all around the world.

Before the end of the pre-flood world - the Gospel was preached to all the peoples of the world. Just as the Gospel will be preached to all of this pre-wrath world - before the day of the Lord.

There is warning: Time will reap what it sows - the Lord's "Divine Mercy" will be followed by "Divine Justice." The entire New Testament echoes this hard truth.

The root-meaning of the name (from Gothic root gheu; Sanskrit hub or emu, "to invoke or to sacrifice to") is either "the one invoked" or "the one sacrificed to." From different Indo-Germanic roots (div, "to shine" or "give light"; thes in thessasthai "to implore") come the Indo-Iranian deva, Sanskrit dyaus (gen. divas), Latin deus, Greek theos, Irish and Gaelic dia, all of which are generic names; also Greek Zeus (gen. Dios, Latin Jupiter (jovpater), Old Teutonic Tiu or Tiw (surviving in Tuesday), Latin Janus, Diana, and other proper names of pagan deities. The common name most widely used in Semitic occurs as 'el in Hebrew, 'ilu in Babylonian, 'ilah in Arabic, etc.; and though scholars are not agreed on the point, the root-meaning most probably is "the strong or mighty one."

Aion-Soph --> Amen-Ra --> Alalu-Ea --> Hallelujah:
Ahu-Ra = "Lord" in the Zoroastrian Avesta. Anu - Sumerian God of Heaven.


Alalu (Hittite name of God the King) + Ea (Akkadian name of God the Wise) = Alalu + Ea = Hallelujah

Allahu akbar - "God is greater" - heard 5 times daily in Muslim communities.

Amun = Hidden (Egyptian) = Creator (Hebrew). Rae = Thought (Hebrew).

Pharaoh named Joseph "Zaphenath-paneah" (Gen 41:45) = Breath of Ea-Face of Ea = Invisible Yah-Visible Yah. Dream/vision/mystery/holy/hidden/secret/set apart-revealed/found/understanding/wisdom/to see. "Yeshua/Jesus" means "the hidden truth revealed". 0-1

"The Hebrew scribe must have slipped into the use of the common Semitic root 'zaphan' when writing 'zaphenat' for the unfamiliar vocalization of Joseph's Egyptian name. [Kenneth] Kitchen concludes that the original was probably 'zat-en-aph', that is Djed(u)-en-ef (in Egypto-speak) meaning 'he who is called' - a phrase familiar to all Egyptologists. The expression was probably vocalized as 'zatenaf'." The first sentence would then read "Pharaoh named Joseph 'He who is called Pa'aneah'.". "It has long been recognized that 'aneah' represents the Egyptian word ankh (meaning 'life') or ankhu (meaning 'is alive'). Kitchen proposes that the initial 'Pa' or 'Pi' element stands for Egyptian lipi or lipu. Thus we discover that the Asiatic vizier of Egypt was given the name 'Joseph who is called Ipiankh(u)."

Holy = set apart = hidden = Amun. Spirit = mind = seat of moral character = thought = Rae. Amen-Ra = Holy Spirit; The Word of God.

Moses and Joseph:
Historians find Joseph and Moses twice in Egyptian history.

The 2 people identified with Moses:
1. The first is found with Pharaoh Sobekhotep during the 13th dynasty.
"Artapanus writes that a pharaoh named Palmanothes was persecuting the Israelites. His daughter Merris adopted a Hebrew child who grew up to be called prince Mousos. Merris married a pharaoh Khenephręs. Prince Mousos grew up to administer the land on behalf of this pharaoh. He led a military campaign against the Ethiopians who were invading Egypt; however, upon his return, Khenephręs grew jealous of his popularity. Mousos then fled to Arabia to return when Khenephręs died and lead the Israelites to freedom." - John Fulton, "A New Chronology - Synopsis of David Rohl's book 'A Test of Time'"

"...Artapanus' Greek name 'Khenephręs' represents the Egyptian royal name 'Khaneferre' meaning 'the perfection of Re shines in the horizon'." "...Only one pharaoh in the whole of Egyptian history is known to have taken this name. Following the death of Neferhotep I and his short reigned son, Sihathor, a younger brother of the former took the throne as the twenty-third ruler of the 13th Dynasty. At birth he was given the name Sobekhotep ('Sobek is content') but he took at his coronation the prenomen 'Khaneferre'. The great American Egyptologist, James Henry Breasted, assessing the political situation during the SIP [Second Intermediary Period], was of the opinion that this Sobekhotep was the greatest king of the era. So the birth of Moses coincided with the coming to the throne of a new, powerful pharaoh named Khaneferre Sobekhotep IV and it was in his reign that Moses was raised as a prince of Egypt." - David M. Rohl, A Test of Time: The Bible from Myth to History (1995), p. 255

2. The second being Akhnaton of the 18th dynasty.

The 2 people identified as Joseph:
1. The first, a generally unknown vizier during the middle of the 12th dynasty.
"Amenemhat's pyramid in which he was buried at Hawara stands beside the ruins of one of the most impressive buildings of the ancient world - the Egyptian Labyrinth - built during his reign." - John Fulton, A New Chronology - Synopsis of David Rohl's book 'A Test of Time'

"I have seen it and indeed no words can describe its wonders. Though the pyramids were greater than words can tell and each one of them a match for many great monuments built by the Greeks, this maze surpasses even the pyramids." - Herodotus, Histories, Book II, 148

"This has thousands of storerooms and the reason for its building can be determined under David Rohl's new chronology. This was Joseph's administration centre, set up to organise the distribution of grain during the famine. It was only fitting that Pharaoh should wish to be buried beside the very means by which he had obtained absolute power in Egypt. Also nearby is an impressive water work undertaken during the time of Amenemhat III." - John Fulton, "A New Chronology - Synopsis of David Rohl's book 'A Test of Time'"

During the late 12th Dynasty major administrative and agricultural reforms were introduced, including the dredging of Lake Moeris and construction of a nine kilometer canal to feed excess run-off water from the Nile into it. The traditional name of this channel is Bhar Yussef ('waterway of Joseph').

2. The second being Yu-ya. (Yu-ya --> Alalu-Ea)
There are some scholars that have long believed that Yuya was Joseph of the Bible. Like Joseph, Yuya was a non-royal descendant that became the highest ranked official during the reign of Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep II III. The contents of the tomb can be seen at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Yuya was an official during the 18th Dynasty in the courts of both Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep III. He fathered Queen Tiy, the wife of Amenhotep III, and he was also Master of Horse, a title which carried the name "Father of the God" (father to Pharaoh - Gen 45:8). Yuya served as chancellor of the North and as a priest of both Hermonthis and Amon during his career. His wife, Tuya, was of Egyptian descent. His mummified remains indicate that he was of Indo-European stock, probably Hurrian (Hittite). This particular ethnic group served, generally, in the cavalry units of the Egyptians.

The name "Yu-ya" is essentially identical with the name of God given to Moses from the burning bush.

Hannahanna - graciousness graciousness (Hittite mother of the gods) = Hosanna - save now, save, we pray

Hannahanna = Isis = Hathor

The Cross: = 0
(1) The Caduceus
(2) The Ankh (Enki - another name for Yah)
(3) The Crucifix
(4) The Kabbalah tree of life
(5) Yole Rune



The Crucifix reflects the same meaning as the Ankh as: The Oath, The Word, The Way (Tau). The symbol of Eternal life. Ankh also means "mirror".

The Cross is also found in Norse Runes as: Yole, Eohl, and Algiz. It is a stick figure of the crucified Christ which represents: the mirror of truth, safety/salvation, and the enlightened self. "Yole" is similar to the Hebrew names - Joel, and Alalu.

The caduceus (2 serpents on a eagle winged stick) is one of the most ancient of symbols. This was originally the symbol for the Sirian-Anunnaki Creator God, Enki. The Savior God of Noah (Utnapishtim). The symbolism in the caduceus reflects the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

It has been theorized, this symbol was derived from sightings of eagles carrying away poisonous snakes in its beak. Thus the caduceus, a symbol for healing, represents God (in the form of an eagle) carrying away and disposing of the poison of disease (in the form of a snake). This is what I see in the caduceus, ankh, and cross:
The sun rising over a river. The banks meander, snake like. Perhaps it is from this very natural inspiration we get the caduceus/ankh/cross as the universal symbol of God, the river of LIFE.

Ankh --> Enki
"In art Enki (Ankh) is represented as a seated God with long beard, wearing a cap with many horns and a long, pleated robe. Streams of water flow from his arms to the ground, sometimes with little fish swimming along the flow. Enki was God of the subterranean freshwater ocean (abju), and was especially associated with wisdom, magic and incantations, and with the arts and crafts of civilization." - Black and Green, Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia
"The God Enki, or Ea (Yah), the God of water, was also considered the Supreme God of wisdom and magic, doubtless owing to the subtle pervasiveness of water both above and below the earth and to the vital part it plays in engendering life and thus making possible the development of vegetation and communications by the skill of man." - John Gray, Near Eastern Mythology

[Rev 22:1] Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb

[Jer 2:12,13] Be appalled, O heavens, at this, be shocked, be utterly desolate, says the LORD, for my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATERS, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.

The ME** were the Sumerian universal decrees of divine authority (the LAW). They are the invocations that spread arts, crafts, and civilization. The ME were given to Enki to guard and impart to the world. He directs the ME towards the world, organizing the world with His decrees.**Note: "me" = MYSELF.

[Colossians 2:13,14] When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature (MYSELF), God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.

Jesus is Yah --> Enki --> Ankh
Enki/Ea/Yah is the Son of Anu - God Almighty.

[Mat 5:17.10] "Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I (Jesus) have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them.

[John 7:38.19] He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, `Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water."

[John 3:14,15] And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life."

The Bible is the Book of Yah/Ea.

Enˇki Pronunciation Key (nk) n. Mythology
The Mesopotamian god of waters and primeval establisher of law and order.
[Sumerian en-ki-k, lord of the earth : en, lord + ki, earth + -k, genitive suff..]


ELOHIM as with most names of God has been hashed out by numerous people. What I can't understand is why none of them bothered to look up its meaning in the Indo-European roots.

Many say "ELOHIM" = "gods". Some say it is feminine. Some say it is masculine. After going over all the different explanations, I honestly cannot say who is right.

From the Indo-European roots:
"EL" = "Mighty" or "god", "O" = ~ "of", "HIM" ~ "hum" = "earth" -> "ELOHIM" = "God of the Earth" or "Superman" or "God of the Worlds" (I think that is where the plural part of the word comes in - "hum" being singular "world", "him" being many "worlds").

[Psalm 97:5] The mountains melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, At the presence of the Lord of the whole earth. Josh 3:11,13; Isaiah 54:5; Zech 4:14, 6:5; Rev 11:4

Some Diagrams:

Starting at the Caucus Mountains (Mt. Ararat according to the bible) The name of God was "Ju". By the time it reached Ireland, it became "Dia". And reaching Japan the name had become "Zen". I put these two words together and saw - "Dia Zen" - Design. The Creator. Isn-t that neat?

The Name somehow reached the Polynesia islands and the Pacific rim essentially unchanged - Iao (same as Yah) - and more amazingly as the same person - The Supreme Being. It is said the Name reached Greece in a similar form.

Compare a diagram I made of the Name with the Kabbala diagram of God I discovered several years later:

Jus - the law:
In Old English/French (which finds its roots akin to Sanskrit/Indo-European) "Jus" means "law". The name "Jesus" and the word "YES" also find their roots in the word "Ju".

Talk to some Rabbis:
I have talked to a number of rabbis. They are not forthcoming about the Name of God. I found the Jewish people I have talked to go out of their way (out of reverence) NOT to speak the Name of God. The closest they seem to come is - Hashem (which means - 'the Name').

At first I thought I had it with YEHU. YEHU means - God is He.

The name YEHU made me uncomfortable, because of the one biblical character:
[2Kgs 9:2] JEHU the son of Jehoshaphat, son of Nimshi

[2Kgs 10:29] But Jehu did not turn aside from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin, the golden calves that were in Bethel, and in Dan.

I felt strongly if I prayed in the name of YEHU, I would be praying to this man, a hypocrite. I could not mentally invoke this name without thinking of this one biblical character. So I let that name go.

The answer to all this is so simple, so incredibly right, it blew me away.

The Name God gave Moses at the burning bush has been traditionally translated as 'I Am that I Am' or 'I will be that I will be'. In other words, 'verily verily' or 'true true' or 'amen amen' or - and this is it - YES YES!!!!!

From Strong's Hebrew Dictionary:
03426 Yesh {yaysh} Definition - being, existence, substance, there is or are

Yes = good, right, true, so be it = Amen!


Yah - I AM, TO BE; Yesh, Jesse - Existent - Hebrew
Jus - Right, Law, Justice - Latin
Ass - God - Norse
Eus - Good, Well - Greek
Uz - God - Sumerian; Us - Egyptian
Yaz - Faith - Avesta
Dyaus - God; Yu - to become equal (justify), join - Sanskrit
Yu - Being - Chinese
Jah - Be, Good, True - Germanic
Yes - Be, Good, True - English
Yes: .ie-es., aie-eze, aiertu (to tend to) ezergabe (the needy): "Tend to the needy". - Basque interpretation of English
Usa - Dove, Holy Man - Basque --> Yesa = Jesus

NOTHING can happen anywhere without this word being said. A person cannot eat or get out of bed without saying YES.

O.K. = Oll Korrect = All Correct. Only God is All Correct.
**from the Oxford English Dictionary, Webster's Dictionary, and Strong's Hebrew & Greek Dictionary

This also implies that the Name Moses heard on the mountain was JESUS - YES YES = Ayah Ayah

Every place that Jesus says - verily verily - He was saying the Name of God - YES YES!!

And the key to life is - to say YES to Life, Love, and Truth. Death is to say NO to Life, Love, and Truth.

The sum of ALL wisdom is: say YES to love - the Spirit of Christ.

YESH=Being=The Lord
God Revealed Manifest

YES! Praise His Holy Name Forever!

God Hidden Unmanifest

Some Intriguing verses:

(my comments)
These verses are highly prophetic of Jesus:
[1Sam 16:18.12] One of the young men answered, "Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse (Jesse=YES; Son of God) the Bethlehemite (Jesus, born in Bethlehem), who is skillful in playing, a man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a man of good presence; and the LORD is with him."

[2Sam 23:1.16] Now these are the last words of David: The oracle of David, the son of Jesse (Son of YES), the oracle of the man who was raised on high (raised from the dead), the anointed of the God of Jacob (Christ), the sweet psalmist of Israel:

In these verses Jesus = YES:
[2Cor 1:19] For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, whom we preached among you, Silva'nus and Timothy and I, was not Yes and No; but in him it is always Yes.

[2Cor 1:20] For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why we utter the Amen through him, to the glory of God.

Jesus = I Am Amen, I Am Life, I Am Light = God Revealed Manifest

  1. "Enzu" known to the Akkadians as Uz, the Goat. The Slain Kid. Capricornus. The Goat is associated with the Hebrew letter Yod (God). In other words: the "scape goat" who carried the sins of Israel into the desert - the Lamb of God. "Enzu" is also translated as STILL (unchanging/eternal) LIFE. Enzu = Jesu = Jesus.
  2. Many come with the charge that 'Jesus' is not the Name of the Lord.
  3. Yihvah means Shining. Yahveh is the Name most Jews use to worship God.
  4. Some Jews say: Jesus comes from the Greek - Zeus.
  5. Zeus (Greek)-Dyaus (Sanskrit)-Djevs (Indo-Euorpean) = Shining. ZOO = LIFE.
  6. Yes (English & Hebrew) = Jesse (anglo & Hebrew) = Zeus.
  7. 'Dyaus' is pronounced 'Jews'.
  8. Hebrew and Sanskrit share many words which are identical. In Sanskrit and Hebrew "Shiva" is essentially the same word. In Sanskrit, Shiva is the gracious God of life and death; the Creator and the Destroyer.
  9. Please remember, when the peoples came down from Mt. Ararat, they all shared a common faith in One God. Over time nearly all of these peoples fell into idolatry - yet they still dimly remembered God's name.
  10. The peoples who migrated into the Indus River area retained the name as "Shiva". The meaning of Sheba in Hebrew is 7 - the perfect number for God, and All Oath or All Promises.

    [2Cor 1:20] For all the promises of God find their Yes in Christ. That is why we utter the Amen through him, to the glory of God.

    Shiva also means emptyness - desolation. So, "Shiva" is full or empty, the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, birth and death. There are a whole family of words in Hebrew which share a similar phonetic relationship with Shiva. "Shaddai" is from the root word "shadad" which also means "destroyer".

    According to Š Copyright 5756-5760 (1996-1999), Tracey R Rich, Webmaster@JewFAQ.Org:
    ---God is also known as El Shaddai. This NName is usually translated as "God Almighty," however, the derivation of the word "Shaddai" is not known. According to some views, it is derived from the root meaning "to heap benefits." According a Midrash, it means, "The One who said 'dai'" ("dai" meaning enough or sufficient) and comes from the fact that when God created the universe, it expanded until He said "DAI!" (perhaps the first recorded theory of an expanding universe?). The name Shaddai is the one written on the mezuzah scroll. Some note that Shaddai is an acronym of Shomer Daltot Yisrael, Guardian of the Doors of Israel.---

    This would make - "Yeshaddai" = Yesha ddai = "Jesus is Sufficient/Enough" or "Salvation/Deliverance/Freedom Gained/Obtained". That IS powerful.

    If you look at each of the words in this family, you find they almost all reflect some aspect of God's character: good, beautiful, righteous, brilliant, splendid, shining, wrathful, clear, and fair. Seeing the phonetic similarity of Yhvh to Shiva, we find the word "Yihvah".

  11. YIHVAH in Hebrew means - splendour, brightness, shining - JIVAH in Sanskrit means LIVING(mat 26:63), female TONGUE(prov 18:21, james 3:5), FIRE(deut 4:24) - we have found God.

    JIVA - (from Jainism/Hindu) - The "Living Spirit" or "Great Soul" (Maha Jiva) which is the animating principle of the universe.

    Jesus is the Word or TONGUE of God. A Living Tongue of Fire.

    [Acts 2:3] And there appeared to them TONGUES as of FIRE, distributed and resting on each one of them.

    [Mat 26:63.17] But Jesus was silent. And the high priest said to him, "I adjure you by the LIVING God, tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God."

    When people see something shocking, many use the exclamation "Oh God!". Knowing this, I listened to what Jewish people say when something shocking happens. They say "Oh Yiveh!"

    The verb HAVAH occurs in the Hebrew OT meaning "to become". Conjuring a pre-formative on the verb HAVAH to make a noun YAHVEH as Albright did opens a door for the following speculation. The normal (qal) imperfect of HAVAH should be YIHVEH and the causative (hiphil) imperfect should be YAHVEH.

    As a verb YAHVEH would mean "he causes to become" ie "he creates". Thus the name *YAHVEH* would mean *Creator* (In Genesis 1:1 we find bara' Elohim ie "God created" but in Genesis 2:4 ff we find YHVH forms, plants etc so the idea of creation is already present in YHVH).

    The surprise word play arises because the Exodus 3 text DOES NOT emphasise the expected creation aspect of YHVH and say *ahveh asher ahveh* using the causative of HAVAH,(I cause to be what exists), it says *ehyeh asher ehyeh* (I am who I am) using the normal imperfect of HAVAH (to be). The NAME in Exodus 3 is YIHVEH. (From Peter Eyland ( Tue, 13 Aug 1996)

  12. I do not believe in coincidence - so - Yihvah = Jesus.

  13. The Sacred Syllable - the One Word of Creation:

    "BE", as in "To Be" or "AM", as in "I AM". Ju, Ge, Yah, Aei, Ie, Eu(s), Ah, Om, Yes, Ra, Ka, Ba - are all the same word: God, to be, to exist, life, one, union, law, just, truth, eternal, ever, always. Yaz in Avesta (an ancient Indo-European language) = worship, faith. Imen in Arabic = faith. Eu(s) in Greek = good, true, well. Ea is the God of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in the poem of Gilgamesh.

    Illustration (c)1997 Stan Tenen / Meru Foundation, reprinted with permission.
    For more information on Meru Foundation's work, see their website at - Meru Foundation.

  14. YHVH is pronounced Yahveh and Yihvah. In Sanskrit/Avesta - Jivah/Yava/Java = "female tongue, fire, and life" (Viva in Latin). In Sanskrit - Ge = "live". Those who worship Ge/Gaia say it means "earth". I believe the intention of the name is - Earth as in ALL THAT EXISTS - Existent - the TRUTH, fact, reality. In Hebrew - Yah = "existent" (Yah same as Yes). "Ge" is approximately the same as "Ju". "Ge" is the short form of Gaia - Mother Earth/Mother Nature. Wisdom in scripture is consistently referred to as female. A child lives a happy healthy life if he listens and obeys mom, as read in Proverbs. In Sanskrit - Ju = "union" - implying equality, justice, the law, love, peace, and freedom.

    You become ONE with the object you worship. Spiritual union. This is what Jesus is all about - peaceful union with the Creator.

    This is intercourse - intimate communication that brings and results in life. This is the Word of God. This is Jesus, the Truth.

  15. Some say Jesus comes from - Yehoshua = Salvation.
  16. Either way is good - Jesus, The Shining, The Savior, My Lord and My God, forever, an ever - Amen!

Using the American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European, I have constructed a sentence to demonstrate how most of the names used for God are all interrelated.

Strongly bless, invoke, pray, pour out libations, and join the Holy Spirit Being - Gracious Living Heavenly Father; Loving Good, Life Bestowing, Lord and Master.

strong El, Allah el From many sources, "el", seems to refer to the strength of a tree. This may also be a reference to the cross of Christ.
To bestow, bless Re re Blessed with the RAY of wisdom.
Invoke, pour out libations to God gheu It was apparently used in reference to worship and over centuries came to mean the One worshipped.
join Yoga yeug This word implies love, balance, equality, and justice.
pure, whole Holy sol, kailo Same root for: solid, CATHOLIC, solemn, SAFE, SALVAGE, SAVE, whole, wholesome, health, heal, HOLY, HALLOW, whole, uninjured, of good omen.
Inspire, spirit Odin wet "woden" again trees (WOODen). Also windy, stormy weather. It reminds of the sound a strong wind makes blowing through a tree. This may also be a reference to the cross of Christ.
To be, I am Yes, Yah, Am(en) (i)es I favor this name because it refers directly to Him, whereas the other names are more descriptions or attributes. Ies+zeus = Greek version of "Jesus" - savior.
Beloved, grace Shiva kei Many people consider Shiva in a destructive context. To eliminate confusion, it must be understood "Shiva" means "to level". Thus you can see, a person who is given GRACE has had their evil deeds LEVELED. Yah+Shu(iv)a = Hebrew version of "Jesus" - savior.
Living, vital force Yi(a)ve(a)h yeu, awi Yava, yivah, viva. This root is found in nearly all the words associated with God.
Heaven, sky, day Zeus Dyeu Related to "Zoo" - life. "Uranus" (Varuna - Sanskrit)=light/turning ring/universal used over 240 times in New Testament for "Heavenly Father".
good, well (Z)eus (e)su Suffixed form of es-. eu-, from Greek eu-, well, combining form of eus, good. Yesu - Ye(I Am)+su(good)=I Am good --> Jesus.
Father Father pater Hebrew "Abba"
motherly love Ami(tabha) am First part of the name "Amitabha"; or - Ami(Loving)+abha(Father)=Loving Father.
order, good (Ami)tabha tag Second part of the name "Amitabha". "Abba" Hebrew - father...making "Amitabha"="mother love father" or "family".
life bestower Ahura awi + re ("ahu"=life)+("ra"=bestow)= life bestower. "Ahura" is phonetically like "Jehovah". Which shows "Amen-Ra"="Ahu-Ra"="Jeho-vah"...could also be "Shi-va". Remember YAH=AM.
lord and master, creator of mind Mazda meg Pythagoras said that "the Iranian Magis consider Ahura Mazda a being whose body is of light and his soul is of truth."

In the Greek New Testament - over 240 times, Heavenly Father is URANUS PATER (Varuna - Sanskrit). Many sources say He is the highest and most ancient of all the gods. He is identified elsewhere as Ahura Mazda.


The end of civilization in the west:

  1. Science has confirmed that most of the languages and civilizations we know of originated in the region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. Mt. Ararat stands at the center of this region. To a bible believer this happy discovery confirms at least part of the story of Noah. Noah must have known the Name of God and past it down to his descendents.

  2. Noah shows up in the Vedic "Laws of Manu" (Dharma-sutra), as MANU. The Laws of Manu state Manu received the wisdom of the Law from God. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Noah shows up as Utnapishtim. In the Epic of Gilgamesh our Lord God Yah (Ea) is found as the Good God of Wisdom who saves Utnapishtim and the human race. So here we have two ancient sources which confirm my belief that all the worlds wisdom starts with the name of God, as past down through Noah.

  3. The blessings of righteousness can be followed across the world and the ages. Wherever the True God has been worshipped and obeyed - JUSTICE, freedom, and prosperity characterize the civilization.

  4. All the wisdom of the world find their root in the name of God. According to the poem of Gilgamesh, Ea is the God of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. (Job 28:28)

  5. It is recorded by secular science - the Sumerian people migrated into Mesopotamia around 4000 BC, from the vicinity of the Caspian Sea. At least twelve cities arose among the Sumerians. Among them were Ur, Uruk, Kish and Lagash -- Ur, for example, becoming a city of about 24,000 people.

    Abraham migrated from the city of UR. He brought the Name with him.

  6. When Israel honored God and obeyed Him, their country under Solomon ruled a great empire and prospered like America. Then the people fell into idolatry, and the deeper they fell, the more slaves they became, until their whole country was taken away into slavery.

  7. Indo-Europeans from Mt. Ararat had already migrated into Greece previously; The name "Javan" (grandson of Noah) becomes "Ionian". Io = Ya = I am, NIAN = aneah = ankh = life = HVH...Io-nia = Y-hvh = Je-sus. HELLEN (ELISHAH) was the ancestor of the Hellenes or Greeks. He was the son of Pyrrha and Deucalion (NOAH), who were spared because of their piety in a devastating flood that destroyed all creation. [Gen 10:4] The sons of Javan (Ionian = Greece): Elishah (Elishah = HELLEN = God is Salvation), Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. Linguistic science traces the origin of all Indo-European peoples to one place. Radiating outward from this place we have: Jupiter (Heavenly Father) in Latin Italy is Zeus-pater in Greece and Dyaus-pitar in Sanskrit India. The tribe of Dan migrated to Greece. The Name of God definitely came with them.

  8. For a time, Greece experienced a golden age, because they worshipped and obeyed God in the Name of Zeus - when they fell into idolatry, they became corrupted and their civilization fell.

    Tu-ankh (living image - Egyptian), Tonka (spirit - American Indian), Ti-nia (Etruscan). I hope you are following all this - because it is pretty obvious to me, the name of the Lord traveled around the world THOUSANDS of years ago. Amazing - isn't it? The Name followed the Indo-European peoples where ever they went. It is our heritage - the key to civilization.

    And the reason for that is:
    13 One of the first acts related of Osiris in his reign was to deliver the Egyptians from their destitute and brutish manner of living. This he did by showing them the fruits of cultivation, by giving them laws, and by teaching them to honour the gods. Later he travelled over the whole earth civilizing it without the slightest need of arms, but most of the peoples he won over to his way by the charm of his persuasive discourse combined with song and all manner of music. Hence the Greeks came to identify him with Dionysus.

    Isis and Osiris in Moralia V Loeb Classical Library #306
    by Plutarch

  9. Egypt worshipped God by the name: Amen. And later as Amen-Ra. While Egypt worshipped Amen they prospered and without question become one of the greatest civilizations of all mankind. Their golden age passed as they fell from worship and obedience to Amen, who is identified with Zeus and Jupiter as The God.

  10. The Name migrated to Rome as Zeus-patter (Jupiter=Zeus-patter=Jove=Yhvh). Zeus-patter=Heavenly Father. There, as long as the people worshipped Him and obeyed Him their empire flourished.

  11. -Yeshua- can mean - -I am grace- or -I am desolation-. Knowing the genocidal campaigns of Joshua, the name "I am desolation" fits much better than "I am salvation". I recently had the uncomfortable revelation - that "Lucifer" = "Yeshiva" (lu = ye, cifer = shiva). Knowing they translate "Lucifer" as "light bringer", and that Jesus says: "I am the light of the world", only complicates things. Either the Church has mistakenly given a very holy name to the devil, or the devil's name is also a version of "Jesus".

  12. Israel was a part of the Greek speaking world at the time of Jesus. You find "Jesus" in the Greek forms: Ieseus - I am life; Iasis - the cure, to heal; Aeizôos - eternal life. Which is the same as "Yesha" (Salvation) in Hebrew.

    [John 17:11.28] And now I am no more in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to thee. Holy Father, keep them in thy name, which thou hast given me, that they may be one, even as we are one.

    [John 5:43] I have come in my Father's name, and you do not receive me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.

    I have not read anywhere of God's Name being Yeshua or Yehoshua. More likely is, the Name Our Lord used was - Jesse (Yes) or Jesa (salvation, freedom).

    [Psa 27:1] The LORD my light (Aura) and my salvation (Yesa); whom shall I fear? the LORD the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

    You can see this in the Nestle-Aland Greek NT - Our Lord's Name is rendered - I)HSOU=,

  13. As long as the west has honored His Name and obeyed Him, they have prospered. Now the west is falling into idolatry. Just as surely as the day of the Lord came for Israel, Greece, Egypt, and Rome. The day of the Lord is coming for the west. The wrath of God is coming.

It has been pointed out that the name of the Lord written on the hat of Aaron was: IEUE. It has also been suggested that YHVH is actually a corruption of IEUE. The phylactery (a box holding verses of the Old Testament to be remembered by the Jews) contains the letter Shin (S), to remember that the name of God has that letter in it.

So, returning the Shin to the vowels, It yields: I E S U E - Jesu.

Y H(S)V H (Hebrew Letters)
| | | | |    same!
I E S U E (Roman Letters)

Though at first this seems to bear looking into, God is the Creator and Destroyer. Though we do not normally think of God as the Destroyer, He gives life - and He takes it away. Scripture quite clearly states, when the Lord is through with the Universe, He will roll it up like a carpet and throw it away. So the Lord is both Savior and Destroyer - Yeshua and Yeshiva.

Also, to those who love Him, He is all that is good - pure love and grace. To the wicked, He is the absolute sum of all their fears: The King of Terror. The day of the Lord is a day of destruction.

After all this, and months of contemplating all this, I can see the wisdom in the SHEMA: "Hear oh Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One." The Holy One is not the author of confusion, and all the names people have used to worship Him definitely add to the confusion. The mark of ethnocentrism is very clear on most of the names used to worship Him. It seems you are leaning in loyalty towards that particular country when you pick a certain name to worship Him. He is the Being and He is the Father of us ALL. Calling on Him as "Almighty Most High" seems to eliminate any ethnic, racial, sexual, or national prejudice. It is hard to sort it all out, but prejudice, selfishness, and confusion are definitely inappropriate when calling on the Creator.

Almighty Most High enjoys simple and honest worship and obediance. Be good, practice love, confess and renounce your evil deeds, worship Him, give something of what you earn back to Him, pray. Like a child - simple. All glory and honor are yours Almighty Most High, forever and ever, Amen!

Yeshua Hu Adoni!



The Foolishness of the Name of God Game